Thursday, February 5, 2009

Living The Musical

While most Americans are struggling to “live the dream” in this economy… I find that I’m perfectly content to “live the musical.” Those movies that you see when somebody randomly bursts out in song… yeah, that’s my life. Many a morning I will go through the house flipping open the blinds while singing (loudly) “Oh what a beautiful morning!” from Oklahoma. (This was always a favorite of Brian’s… especially as he entered his teen years.) In my home we sing show tunes, rock tunes, goodnight songs, Disney songs, we play music while working inside or outside. So, with my love for the musicals and Trav’s love for just about all music, it’s really no surprise that our children love music as well.
When Brian was little you could always hear him at the school music recitals. At age 6 he sang at our wedding reception and whenever that boy was in the shower a closed door couldn’t hold back those raging vocal chords!
Danielle always loved to sing! Reciting Brittany Spears and Pink from the time she was in preschool. Nowadays with four musicals under her belt, and number five about to launch, if she’s not singing a show tune then she’s usually singing something crazy with me!
As for Michael, he has loved music since infancy and would non-verbally communicate with me to sing (clearly the child was tone-def). We found that loud heavy metal music would lull him to blissful sleep. As he got older he would take words or phrases he knew and put them to Mozart or Bach, and just sing over & over. Many times while working or playing he’ll just start to sing, (something we had to warn his teacher about because he’ll sing in class while working in a book). Michael will sing anytime, anywhere about pretty much anything that jumps into his mind. A few weeks ago he sang to me, “toothpaste, toothpaste, mommy will you put the toothpaste on for me.”
So, if living the dream just isn’t cutting it for you… I highly recommend living the musical. Life is just more cheery in song!!!


Travis said...

Music is a key to life. I can pretty much recall most of my big moments in life, by associating it with a song from that time, or what was playing in the background

Music can pick you up when your down, or get you pumped up for that big game,Music can settle you down when your too wound up, and we all know music soothes the savage beast..

with that said.. Rock on!!

Brianna said...

So your the reason the blinds were left open. hahahahhahaha