Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

#1. I resolve to eat, drink, and be merry as I have been given this one life and I will live it to its fullest without judgments or limitations

#2. It is my resolution to purchase fabulous shoes and wear them with great pride

#3. I resolve to keep up the good fight against The Sinister Organization of Educators at the Christian School

#4. I resolve to be in a better physical condition in an effort to do battle with the SOE cause lets face it… this body ain’t getting any younger

#5. I make a resolution to start cooking delicious and nutritious meals for my family just as soon as I resolve to go to culinary school

#6. I resolve to ship the children off to their grandparents as much as possible so that I am able to fulfill resolution #1

#7. And I resolve to taunt, torment and embarrass said children at every opportunity given under my watch… (I just don’t feel I did enough of that in 2008)

#8. I make a resolution to NOT add #11 to the Weden Family Pet Menagerie (this one is key and will be extremely difficult)

#9. And finally, it is my resolution to continue to keep people guessing, push the envelope and play the devils advocate only because someone has to frolic on the other side of the fence, and I quite enjoy it over here

1 comment:

Brianna said...

This might just be the funniest thing I've ever read...

#5. I make a resolution to start cooking delicious and nutritious meals for my family just as soon as I resolve to go to culinary school